Lever Talent Blog

[INFOGRAPHIC] Mission, Vision, and Values in 6 Steps

Written by Meg Patel | May 25, 2023 10:31:56 PM

Accelerate the velocity of good decisions and you’ll accelerate growth. Your company’s mission, vision, and values are tools to help you disseminate good decision-making at scale.

At Lever Talent, here's what we believe to be true about Mission, Vision, and Values: 

Here's an infographic highlighting steps to get started on discovering your new Mission, Vision, and Values. 

The 6 steps captured in this infographic are:

  1. Craft a vision. 
  2. Align on strategy. 
  3. Map to values
  4. Plan ahead. 
  5. Activate the values. 
  6. Take flight and celebrate. 

[INFOGRAPHIC] Mission, Vision, and Values in 6 Steps