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Let's Meet
    May 25, 2023

    [PI Maximized] Hidden Figures

    Did you know that a powerful piece of your Predictive Index subscription is hidden?

    Well, hidden may be a strong word - but it is a bit harder to find than other tools. This tool is called Analytics, and can only be found under the Browse button. 

    Data analytics plays a crucial role in business success. Organizations do a great job of collecting, analyzing, and acting on data for sales and systems; where they often come up short is people data. 

    PI’s Analytics tool can provide similarly powerful insights into your people strategy. Using each person’s behavioral drives, Analytics shows the spread of your team. Need a refresher on what the factors mean? Here’s a quick one:

    • Dominance (A) - the drive to exert one’s influence on people or events  
    • Extraversion (B) - the drive for social interaction with other people
    • Patience (C) - the drive for consistency and stability
    • Formality (D) - the drive to confirm to rules and structure

    The tool shows the balance of team members (of your choice, either adding a pre-made team or individuals to build a group) across the continuum, even plotting the average of each factor to give your team their own dotted-line behavioral pattern. 

    One of the most helpful parts of the tool is the breakdown of factor combinations. By viewing the spread of factor combinations across a particular team, leaders will have a better understanding of underlying behavior and can form expectations based on the combination density. For example, in the team below, five of the six members of the team are A>C, meaning they are proactive, and B>C, meaning they are quick to connect. Using these data insights, the team leader may decide to task them with continuous improvement initiatives and proactive customer support responsibilities.

    But which of the factor combinations should you be focused on? Check back next week for a deep dive into factor combinations!Now that you know this tool, how do you plan to use your people analytics to power up your teams?

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