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    Talent Strategy Consulting

    The Most-Leveraged Talent Wins

    We offer a comprehensive menu of talent strategy consulting services that can be tailored to your needs so you can transform into the culture of your dreams.

    Talent Optimization Services

    Work With Lever Talent and Win

    Over 200 clients generating $8.6B in annual revenue work with us to address their most pressing talent issues. Leverage our expertise and use our services to bring your talent strategy to life and beat your goals.


    Mission, Vision, Values Transformation

    Many companies have some form of mission, vision, and values (MVV), but few leverage them as intended - to clarify purpose, set direction, and empower good decision-making at scale. If you accelerate the velocity of good decision-making, you can accelerate growth in any market. We’ll guide you through a multi-phased planning process and design or refine an MVV manifesto that inspires your team with purpose, to dream big, and make decisions that are wholly aligned with your business objectives.

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    Astronauts Icon
    Executive Team Alignment

    We kick off every MVV project with an executive team session called MVV Camp, where you’ll craft a vision, align on behavioral adaptations, map to values, and plan a path forward.

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    Culture Assessment

    We meet with talent strategy stakeholders to assess your talent strategy maturity, culture strength, and provide a report of findings with recommendations.

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    MVV Manifesto

    You’ll count on us to craft your mission, vision, and values into a culture manifesto to set direction, level set behavioral expectations, and give team members the tools they need to perform and make the best decisions. 

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    Values-Based Leadership Training

    We launch the activation phase of the project by delivering a customized values-based leadership training program to give your leaders practice communicating the mission and vision and coaching team members to the values.

    Craft Hiring Plan services

    Hiring Process & Strategy

    Finding and onboarding the best fit is hard. That’s why 30% of new hires leave within 90 days.* Budget, process, team, culture, budget, timing, tech — so much to consider. And hiring is just the beginning. Over 80% of employees feel they had a poor onboarding experience.** We’ll help ignite your employer brand and start your employee experience on the right foot. Infuse every aspect of your culture into your talent acquisition strategy and bring it to life. 

    *Harvard Business Review **Zippia

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    Map out the current journey from job posting > candidate > hired > onboarded, noting human-led versus tech-led interventions and conversation rates.

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    Evaluate the current journey to macro-level client experience, corporate values, and brand standards. Conduct focus groups and candidate surveys.

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    Design a journey map, optimize human and tech interventions, implement new technology, gain stakeholder approval, and create an implementation plan.

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    Launch an implementation plan, integrate new processes, and implement any new tech, training, and/or human interventions along the way.

    employee engagement services

    Employee Engagement

    Engaged employees feel a sense of purpose and ownership. They put in extra effort and positively impact others. Disengaged employees, well, they breed toxicity and underperformance. Engagement is more than a number. Your engagement results capture clues on improving your structure, process, and people to increase productivity and company value. Our team can craft an employee engagement campaign (regardless of what tech you use), analyze results, diagnose issues, and help you prioritize the highest-impact actions to give your employees a sense of purpose and boost your bottom line. 

    Engagement Survey Launch

    Create an engagement campaign calendar and program the survey for launch on the platform of your choice.

    Analyze & Process Results

    Conduct analysis of findings, host focus groups to corroborate and contextualize, and draft a retention driver playbook and action plan for the business. 

    Engagement & Retention Playbook Roll Out

    Roll out the action plan, host leadership training sessions, and handoff to internal designee for ongoing pulse checks and action planning.

    Leadership Training services

    Management Training

    Leader and manager effectiveness is the top priority for 60% of HR leaders.* People managers rarely have opportunities to hone their skills. A rise in remote and asynchronous work only raises the stakes. Our Lead with Leverage program helps managers discover superpowers, synthesize corporate objectives into a unit plan and goals, plus gives them the skills to lead teams through anything. Make leaders maximize leverage. 

        *Gartner’s HR Top Priorities 2023 Report

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    Arctic World
    Lead Yourself

    Discover your behavioral tendencies, feedback preferences, and values in leadership. Create an action plan to improve strengths and address opportunities.

    Arctic World
    Lead Others

    Improve team relationships with communication, coaching, delegation, and one-on-one meetings. Practice skills in a safe space with feedback.

    Arctic World
    Lead the Work

    Develop a Team Charter document that outlines the team’s purpose, goals, team initiatives, and critical metrics tracking strategies for optimizing progress.

    Arctic World
    Lead the Team

    Analyze team meetings and ceremonies, decision-making, and present feedback on a capstone project to the cohort.

    Leadership Coaching Services

    Leadership Coaching Programs

    Processing issues, asking for help, and appropriately managing relationships are learned behaviors. Sometimes, leaders need support through a challenging time or growing into a new role. Our coaches will conduct an evaluation and meet your leaders on a recurring schedule to tackle their most pressing needs. We can coach 1-on-1, or you can leverage our more cost-effective group coaching programs to connect leaders personally and build a culture of vulnerability and continuous feedback. Let’s grow  — always, in all ways. 

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    Leadership Coaching

    Work with us to complete a personal development plan and make progress with a 1-hour monthly coaching call and unlimited text and email support for 6 months. 

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    Executive Coaching

    Get comprehensive support for your personal and executive growth with a 360 review, findings report, development plan, and 12 months of support.

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    Group Coaching

    Recurring group coaching calls for team leaders to discuss issues, ask for help, and give advice — promoting collaboration and trust.

    Schedule a Free Strategy Session.

    Let’s collaborate to find your leverage. Get up to 45 minutes of free talent management strategy consulting.