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    April 28, 2023

    [INFOGRAPHIC] 5 Trends Shaping the Future of Work for Good

    As automation, AI, and robotics proliferate business and take on the transactional and objective components of work, our reliance on human workers shifts to relational and subjective ones. In short, we will pay humans to be more human. The employee-employer relationship has reached an inflection point. 

    Here's an infographic highlighting the major elements of this shift. It's a summary of our earlier article on the major future of work trends.

    The 5 major trends captured in this infographic are:

    1. As machines are hired to do the more tedious and tactical jobs, it's freeing humans up to do more meaningful work. 
    2. Contrary to popular belief, "intelligent" machines are generally not invented to dumb humans down. Actually, more human judgement (aka smarts and creativity) is needed as our reliance on machines increases.
    3. The shift to needing humans to be more human will make us question the way we approach performance measurement. New standards will be needed.
    4. Innovations from the Web3 movement, think data decentralization and blockchain, open our eyes to a world of portability - where a worker can truly own their performance data and have a validated packet of performance data across their career.
    5. More and more workers will gain control and start to take their career development into their own hands - relying less on businesses to offer training and career development as perks.

    [INFOGRAPHIC] 5 Trends Shaping the Future of Work for GoodDownload Infographic

    Infographic - 5 trends shaping the future of work for good


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    Drew Fortin

    Drew is a people-first, values-driven leader with nearly 20 years of growth strategy and team-building experience across retail, marketing technology, local media, and HR tech. He spent 7 years at The Predictive Index, where he was Chief Growth Officer responsible for the company's strategy to build the world's first...

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